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Programs and Services Basics

To ensure accuracy of information and the ability to maintain useful records Programs and Services are set up to be time based. This ensures that customer participation or visits can be set against the appropriate time scale and that records can be archived and for easy access later and current records are quicker to find.

Setting Up Programs Services and Events

Programs are the over arching "Parent" of Program Instances". Once set up, they need not be set up again. The possible exception is where you may wish to revise the Program Description to make it more relevant to your current circumstances.

  • Always select a Program Type
    • This indicates what type of program or service it is so that it can be displayed on the website appropriately
  • The Program Name can be as general or specific as you wish depending on your range of programs and sevices. Some general examples:
    • Interclub Fixtures
    • Annual Tournament
    • Chiropractic Services
    • Tennis Coaching
  • You can refine what is happening specifically in Program Instances. (eg Thursday Season 1/07)
  • Give a description knowing that potential customers will be reading this - don't be afraid to sell the program!
  • You can review you entries once they appear on the What's On page
  • Select the Product Category and Trader Category fields before saving or updating.

Program/Service/Event Instances
The Program headings are constants which categorise the time based Program Instances

  • These Instances are held within Start and Finish Dates.
  • Smart Space will automatically insert Start and Finish dates if you tick the Permanent Program check field
    • Check this box when the program or service runs all year (not seasonal)
  • Start Dates are required for all Instances
  • Finish Dates are not required but if they are not set, Finish Dates will default to the Financial/Operational years that you have set for your system (Default is July to June)
  • The system contains tools to help you move these Instances from one year to the next or one season to the next, quickly and easily without having to reenter all the information again.
  • Start and Finish dates are especially important for the Sports industry when managing competitions, but can also be used where Bookable services might only be offered at certain times of the year
  • Services finish to end dates could be set as far future dates if you expect the service to continue for some time

Setting Up Program Instances
There are number of options in setting up Program Instances which affect how they are handled at vary points in the system, however there are some fields which must be completed

  • You must select a previously saved Program - if the required Program has not been created, do so before create the Program Instance.
  • Although it is not totally necessary we advise inserting an Instance Name and Description which is quite specific
    • Name could be something like Thursday Competition
    • Description should probably include details like starting times etc
  • A Start Date is required although if the Instance continues all year round and has been recorded as a Permanent Instance(as opposed to a seasonal competition) it will default to the current date.
  • Insert a Booking Code to speed up the Booking process when booking Resources.

Optional Fields determine how the details are viewed on the website, and/or how they are handled by the system:

  • If the Instance occurs on a regular basis all year round without any defined start or finish date, tick the Permanent Instance selector - This will automatically record the Start and Finish dates according to your previously selected Operational Year preference.
  • If you want details of this Instance to appear to the public on your website, ensure the Front Page selector is ticked
  • If you want all those in the Booking Groups under this Instance to be available to the Booking system when booked as a whole, tick the Combine Groups selector
  • If a Staff person is required to be associated with this booking (eg a Coaching Lesson) Complete the Staff Service area
    • You must have staff members in the system
    • They must be listed as "On Call" in the Roster system at the times they are available
    • You must enter the standard time for this service (in Minutes)
  • Select a previously entered Price Code if you wish this Program to be automatically priced when booking
  • If this instance happens on one day, select the Day
  • You can allow customers who are in the Booking Groups associated with this instance, to share contacts - Make the appropriate selection
    • only "blind" emails are sent
    • Contact details are only those which each individual allows
  • If the Instance applies to only one category of Resources - make the selection

When managing Program or Service Instances, they are usually available in the system based on when they were active:

  • Archive: Instances where the Finish date is in the past
  • Current: Instances where the Start Date is in the past and the Finish date has either not been set or is in the future
  • Future: Instances with a Start date in the future
  • Live: Includes all Current and Future instances

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